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In this project, we used "machine washing" as a symbol of excessive competition in a certain field, which has led to a state of mutual overwhelming and internal friction environment where people
just stop moving forward with their own potential and goals. This washing machine serves as an
interactive device to make the audience question about the draining anxiety of seeing others
overachieving and you want to keep up the pace and eventually lose yourself in a “loop”. We designed a control panel which consists of a pump head, a rotary knob, a pair of plugs and
outlets. They indicate the elements of pressure, the machine's spinning speed, and the on/off
switch for the machine. Interactively, We, users, will represent the pressures themselves. When
users approach the washing machine, an animated figure will jump into the spinning washing
machine and participate in the involution. Their actions are symbolic of the involution since they
are not aware of what they are chasing. When users finally unplug and the cycle stops, they will
find that they end up chasing just a sock all the time. This lost sock can represent the
meaningless goal that people numbly pursue, or it can represent the self in a meaningless loop, depending on the viewer's understanding. Through this project, we hope to draw attention to the fact that we are in a constant quest for
better and better, and that we should rethink our real goals or focus.


Thanks for Tom and Gabe's helping. We used unity and arduino for this project. We used Ardity(a plug-in of unity ) to communicate them. And thanks for Shanghai New York university's course Interface Lab, I learned a lot from it (how to use Ardity, how to write my listener script......).

The Arduino part, the most(maybe not) difficult for me was how to make the character drop when user got close and every few seconds drop one. I solved this problem by using if statements and or.

(Easy, when I figure out the logic)


Actually, the most different part is I don't know why my coding is correct but the data seems like delay a long time(like  seconds). I tried a lot different ways to solve this problem. Finally, I found that I was missing an ultrasonic sensor which be used to fabrication. How silly. Like Arduino use many seconds to find and want to get the sensor's trigger and echo. 

In the future, I must connect all the sensors correctly, and then start testing.

Unity part, the most challenge part is how to make water. Thanks for Erin find a good tutor video, and thanks for Shirley to help us debug!!!

For the code, I used the mylistener script to get the data from Arduino. And then created two array of elements and characters to random instantiate.

Fabrication part, thanks for Yuan and Erin, they really have a good taste and choose a prefect color. 

We worked together to solve all the problems form coding, fabrication making and Unity. It was a very happy group work.

Thanks to Tom and Gabe, I really enjoyed the semester. 

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