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Week 08

This week I learned SPI and I2C,. Also Xuan and I developing our idea about project2 


  1. Asynchronous serial communication: both have their own clock

  2. Synchronous serial communication.:At the agreed communication rate, the frequency and phase of the clock signals at the transmitter and receiver are always the same. SPI and I2C are normal synchronous serial communication methods.

  3. SPI has four wires to communication,SDI,SDO,SCLK and CS.

  4. I2C only has two wires: SCL and SDA. it uses one wire to input and output data.

Project 2

Because I looked up a lot of research, but none of the effects of sound on plants seem to be obvious.This drove me crazy, and I was a little unsure how to take the idea forward. So I decided to get an early night, but I played with my phone in bed until the wee hours of the morning. This got me thinking, why don't I relate the growth of plants to the sleep of people?


Many people's sleep is affected by electronic devices. Whether we can't put our phones down to stop browsing Tik Tok, or swiping through Facebook. Or the blue light from electronic devices makes us sleep poorly. Finding a way to get away from our phones seems to be the way to get a better night's sleep. The health effects of sleep have always been there and we (people who stay up late) always choose to ignore them. This device will connect our sleep with the growth of real plants. Plants need the right soil moisture to grow. The amount of water a plant can receive daily is influenced by the user's sleep score (when to put down the phone and how long to sleep). This way the user's sleep will affect the growth of the plants. It is conceivable that if a person stays up all night for a week, the plants could wither due to lack of water (poor plants). This significant sign of deteriorating health seems to bring a greater reminder.Or perhaps the user will choose to go to bed early for healthy plant growth.


Bad drawing...

  1. Sue sets her sleep schedule for the day on the web. She plans to go to bed at 11:00.

  2. At 11 o'clock, the lights around the plants start to blink slowly (breathing lights). Sue knew it was time to put the phone down and go to sleep.

  3. Sue placed the phone on the wooden board in front of the plant and the phone showed that it was charging (hopefully wireless charging will be completed by the time project 3 is done). The lights slowly dimmed and Sue goes to bed.

  4. After about 5 minutes, Sue can't resist trying to get her phone again. She is not used to not looking at her phone before going to sleep. She finally got out of bed and picked up her phone. The plant's breathing light started blinking again. The plant's soil water level showed only 10%(the little red led light). This worried Sue a little; she hadn't completed her sleep schedule for two days in a row. The plant's leaves were also drooping a bit.

  5. Sue still decided to put down her phone. The lights went out. Sue got a good night's sleep

  6. When she got up in the morning and picked up her phone, Sue got a high sleep score of 9 because she slept 8 hours last night and went to sleep at 11:30. The moment she picked up her phone, the speaker played celebratory music and the lights blinked happily. The water pump pumped a lot of water from the water basin to water the plants. The green Led, symbolizing plenty of water, lit up again.


Sue couldn't resist playing with her phone until 2 or 3 this week. This has resulted in only 5 hours of sleep and her sleep score has been very low. The plants have been dehydrated for a long time and the leaves have fallen off a lot.Maybe I'll go to bed early today, Sue thought to herself


The greater the water content, the smaller the sensor simulation value. I first use sensor value to control the relay switch. The relay controls the pump. But since my pump seems to be broken, I use the motor to experiment first.

Required hardware

3.Universal board
4.Water pump  and soil moisture sensor 
6.Reed switch (to detect phone) need test
7.Pressure sensor (combine with 6 to detect phone)


1. Transparent box & pillar (plastic or acrylic )
2. Platform to put the phone (pressure and reed switch)
3. Container for water


Watering logic (DRAFT)

1. Plants have the best growing soil moisture, soil has different watering amount. (Take roses for example - 20&~40%)
Assume that the factory plant moisture content is 25% and drops 10% a day (need to test the change of moisture content in a day), watering according to the user's sleep score.
Full score is kept at 25%
User sleep quality for scoring
Full score of 10 points - maintain 25% of water, according to the previous day's water control (eg: moisture sensor value change of no more than 12% in a day)
For every 1 point drop, the water volume is 1% less
For example, if the user scores 9 points on the first day, the water volume is 24% on that day
A day later the water volume drops to 14%, this day sleep score of 10 points, then the water volume of the day rose to 25%
A day later the water volume dropped to 14%, the sleep score of 6 points (one hour less sleep, play two hours of cell phone), then the water volume of the day is 21%
A day after the water volume dropped to 11%, the day scored 10 points, because the maximum rise of 11%, then the day's water volume is 22%

Sleep score = Sleep onset score + Duration score
1. Time to fall asleep (out of 5)
5 - (time to put down the phone (need to be more than one hour) - user set sleeping time)/30min = sleep score
2. Length of sleep (out of 5 points)
5 - (7 - (the time the user picks up the phone - the time the user puts down the phone)) = Duration score


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